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Bulk Update in sql server 2008..

/*Bulk update query*/

create table Table1


ID int identity(1,1),

vIsbn varchar(20),

dcPrice decimal(18,2)


create table Table2


ID int identity(1,1),

vIsbn varchar(20),

dcPrice decimal(18,2)


/*Here create two tables, we update Table1's dcPrice column from Table 2 Using Bulk update*/   

insert into Table1(vIsbn,dcPrice)


insert into Table1(vIsbn,dcPrice)


insert into Table2(vIsbn,dcPrice)


insert into Table2(vIsbn,dcPrice)


select * from Table1

/*here bulk update Query*/


SET dcPrice=Tbl2.dcPrice

FROM Table1 Tbl

JOIN Table2 AS Tbl2

ON Tbl.vIsbn=Tbl2.vIsbn

select * from Table1

drop table Table1

drop table Table2


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